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Unit 5 & 7 History Review

  •  English    25     Public
    Units 5 & &
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • During this century, who lost part of its power to the absolute monarchs?
    The nobility
  •  10
  • Who did the nobility try to win favor from?
    The monarch
  •  15
  • What were the frequent crises that happened during this time?
  •  15
  • The number of nobles increased in Spain during this time. T or F
  •  15
  • What social order suffered the least during this time?
    The clergy
  •  10
  • What social order was free from feudal conditions?
    The peasantry
  •  5
  • What did the bourgeoise prefer to do in Spain during this time?
    Invest money in aquiring land & becoming part of the nobility through marriage or purchasing titles
  •  25
  • Why were 17th century cities unhealthy?
    Lacked basic services (running water, street lighting & sewers)
  •  25
  • What became the most important urban space in Spain?
    Main square (plaza mayor)
  •  10
  • Describe the main square in Spain.
    Open space surrounded by building with porticoes supported by arcades, markets, workshops, guild offices, political institutions, warehouses
  •  25
  • What events were held in the main square?
    royal paradise, processions, religious performances, jousting matches, bullfighting, punishment of criminals, autos-da-fé
  •  25
  • What is the special balcony in a main square called?
  •  15
  • What language does the word "Bourgeoisie" come from?
  •  10
  • What is Baroque characterized by?
    Novelty, movement, contrasts, taste for the theatrical, emotional responses
  •  25
  • Where does Baroque come from?
  •  5
  • Who were the 3 principal patrons of Baroque art?
    the Catholic Church, absolute monarchs, bourgeoisie
  •  20