Game Preview


  •  English    9     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What sense do we use to see?
  •  15
  • What senses do you use to eat food?
    We use our senses of taste, smell, and sight.
  •  15
  • What senses does your mom use to watch TV?
    She uses her sense of sight and hearing.
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  • Why shouldn't I stare at the sun?
    You could become blind!
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  • Why shouldn't I listen to music too loud?
    You could damage your auditory system and become deaf.
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  • What tastes sweet?
    Good job!
  •  15
  • What tastes sour?
    Good job!
  •  15
  • What tastes bitter?
    Good job!
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  • What tastes salty?
    Good job!
  •  15