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1930's "Great Depression" Vocabulary

  •  English    24     Public
    Important terms to understand this period in United States History.
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  • Purchasing stocks with borrowed money
    Buying on margin
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  • Year the stock market crashed, which helped set off the Great Depression
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  • Tuesday, October 29, the day the stock market crashed
    "Black Tuesday"
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  • Up-and-down pattern of business production and unemployment
    Business cycle
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  • Severe, economic depression that followed the stock crash of 1929.
    "Great Depression"
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  • Unemployed World War I veterans who camped in Washington D.C. to demand early payment of military bonuses.
    Bonus Army
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  • New York governor elected President in the 1932 election.
    Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)
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  • New Programs created by Roosevelt to battle the Depression and aid economic recovery.
    The New Deal
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  • Radio addresses in which FDR spoke directly to the American people.
    Fireside chats
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  • Federal project that hired people to build dams and generators, bringing electricity and jobs to communities in the Tennessee river valley.
    Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
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  • FDR's Secretary of Labor, the nation's first female cabinet member.
    Frances Perkins
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  • Active supporter of New Deal Programs and famous humanitarian. Hint: she was the First Lady (wife of FDR).
    Eleanor Roosevelt
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  • Legislation passed in 1935 that provided some financial security for the elderly, the disabled, children and the unemployed.
    Social Security Act
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  • Refinanced loans to keep farmers from losing their land
    Farm Credit Act (FCA)
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  • Work relief program that created jobs on environmental projects for single, unemployed men
    Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
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  • Guaranteed deposits in individual bank accounts
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
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