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  •  English    13     Public
    Population growth concepts- superlatives and comparatives
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • "How fast a population changes in size over time. " This is the concept of....
    Population growth rate
  •  15
  • " The process of leaving a country permanently and going to live in another one." This is the concept of...
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  • "Countries with a relatively high level of economic growth, security, level of industrialization, and the amount of technological infrastructure." Is this the difinition of a developed or developing country?
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  • Make a sentence using comparatives!
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  • "The process of coming to a country in order to live in it permanently." This is the concept of...
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  • "The number of births in an area during a specific time period. It is calculated per 1000 people" This is the concept of...
    Birth rate
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  • "The number of people who die in a particular area during a particular period of time. It is calculated per 1000 people." This is the concept of...
    Death Rate
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  • Use the adjectives LARGE and SMALL to compare the populations of the following countries.
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  • Compare the death rates of the following countries
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  • Make a sentence using a superlative considering the folowing countries.
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  • Which country is more developed?
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  • Cite two reasons why Japan's population is decreasing.
    Two reasons why Japan's population is decreasing are the low birth rates and the low immigration.
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  • Is the Japanese elderly population in the pre-reproductive, reproductive or post-reproductive period?
    The elderly population corresponds to the post-reproductive population.
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