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Mollusks and Worms

  •  English    10     Public
    Review questions about mollusks and worms
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  • Squid is an example of what kind of mollusk?
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  • All flatworms are animals under what phylum of worms?
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  • Platyhelminthes are acoelomate, Nematoda are pseudocoelomate, what about the Annelida?
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  • How are most of the mollusks similar to one another?
    They have soft bodies that are covered by calciferous shell or shell rich in calcium.
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  • Compare bivalvia and gastropoda.
    Baivalvia are molluscs with a pair of shell, while gastropoda covered its whole body with shell. They move with feet attached to stomach.
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  • How do marine mollusks breath under the water?
    They use gills.
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  • How are worms helpful to human?
    They help form fertile soil for our plants and crops.
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  • Name at least three classes of Phylum Mollusca
    Bivalvia, gastropoda, cephalopoda, monoplacophora, scaphopoda, polyplacophora, aplaplacophora
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  • Name the three phyla of worms
    Phylum Platyhelminthes, Phylum Annelida, Phylum Nematoda
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  • Name at least two uses or mollusks
    Food, building homes, decoration, biodiversity, medicine
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