Game Preview

Context Clues

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  •  English    32     Public
    Context Clues
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Amelia rarely paid attention in class. By contrast, her best friend Tasha was always very attentive and listened carefully to everything the teacher said. The word attentive means:
  •  25
  • My mom would not permit me to ride my bike to the store. However, she would let my older sister ride her bike to the store. The word permit means: 
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  • The severe weather caused many roads to close. School was cancelled and everyone stayed indoors. The word severe means: 
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  • After about an hour, the fireman concluded his talk by reminding everyone to check their smoke alarms as soon as they got home. The word concluded means: 
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  • Becky had waited all week to go to the beach. She was so eager to leave on Saturday morning that she woke everyone up at 6:00! The word eager means:
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  • You must never explore a cave by yourself. It is essential for you to go with at least one other person. The word essential means:
    very important
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  • Allan was always bragging and showing off. His brother, David, on the other hand, was a quiet and humble boy. The word humble means:
    not prideful
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  • The sun was low in the sky. Everyone was packing up and getting ready to go home because the park would close at dusk. The word dusk means: 
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  • Michael's mother asked him to pick some peaches. He went out to the orchard. The word orchard means: 
    grove of fruit trees
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  • The book shelf was sturdy enough to hold all of Nathan's books without falling apart. The word sturdy means: 
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  • As Jake struggled to solve the problems on the test, it became apparent that he had not spent enough time studying. The word apparent means:
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  • Talia preferred the red shirt because she likes red more than yellow or blue. The word preferred means:
    would rather have
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  • Susan reduced the amount of paper she was using by always remembering to use both sides of each piece. The word reduced means: 
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  • Mara worried that the kids at school would make fun of her new glasses. She did not want to be mocked just for having poor vision. The word mocked means: 
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  • No one lived in the old house. The paint was peeling and the yard was overgrown. It had been vacant for a long time. The word vacant means: 
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  • Dr. Calles had worked for years on the project. He had done a considerable amount of research and felt ready to present his work at the conference. The word considerable means: 
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