Game Preview

Unit 5 SS Review

  •  English    30     Public
    Life in the US Prior to the Civil War
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Most white southerners were slave owners. If false, reword it to make it true.
    False. Most white southerners did not own slaves.
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  • Why did the Northern areas of the U.S. have more railroads than the South or West?
    The North had more industry and manufacturing.
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  • Why did more immigrants go to the Northern U.S. than to the South?
    The North had more factory jobs.
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  • What was the main political view of the people in the Southern states of the U.S. during the abolitionist movement?
    They believed the states had the right to decide what was best for themselves and the federal government should have no say in state’s affairs.
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  • Which two things did the South rely heavily on during this time?
    cotton trade and the river system
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  • The Northern U.S. economy had $234 million while the Southern U.S. economy had $74 million, what information can you infer about their ability to fight and win a war?
    The North could equip and maintain its armies for a long time with their money.
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  • Who is MOST closely associated with the success of the Underground Railroad?
    Harriet Tubman
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  • Frederick Douglass inspired many followers in the abolitionist movement by _____.
    publishing the anti-slavery newspaper The North Star.
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  • William Lloyd Garrison was known for the following:
    He was a Massachusetts abolitionist, he started the newspaper called the Liberator, and he organized the American Anti-Slavery Society.
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  • Which person was born a slave and spent her live fighting for equal rights for women and slaves?
    Sojourner Truth
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  • Why did many southerners dislike the novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin?
    They believed it portrayed southern slave owners as evil.
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  • Which headlines would be appropriate for the Dred Scott v. Sanford Supreme Court Case?
    Missouri Compromise Declared Unconstitutional and The Triumph of Slavery
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  • As an effect of the 1857 Dred Scott v. Sanford decision, Northerners were angered because ____
    the decision could extend slavery into western territories
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  • The map to the right shows a new boundary line and two new states being admitted into the Union. Which of the following would be a correct title for this map?
    Missouri Compromise
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  • A slave sued for his freedom and the freedom of his family. After an initial loss he appealed his case to the supreme court and eventually won.
    Dred Scott Decision
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  • One state was admitted into the country as a slave state and another was admitted as a free state. This kept the number of free and slave states equal.
    Missouri Compromise
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