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Speking test A1

  •  English    14     Public
    It's about the first 5 units
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Introduce yourself and spell me your name
    Mt name is... I'm...
  •  15
  • Tell me four ways to say hello
    Hello, Good Morning, Hi, Good Afternoon,
  •  15
  • Tell me another ways to say How are you?
  •  15
  • Tell me different ways to say good bye!
    Bye, Good bye, bye-bye , See you later , good night...
  •  15
  • What's in your bag? (use this is / that is / these are / those are)
    In my bag there is ....
  •  15
  • Where are you from? Where's your mother from? Where are your classmates from?
    I'm from Colombia
  •  15
  • Is your first language English?
    No, It's not. My first language is ...
  •  15
  • Are you Colombian?
    Yes, I am.
  •  15
  • What's your name?
    My name is
  •  15
  • Tell me about your family ..
  •  15
  • What's Colombia like?
  •  15
  • Who's your best friend? Describe his/her personality
  •  15
  • What kind of clothes are you wearing? Describe them, Don't forget include the colors
  •  15
  • What's your favorite season? Describe it and tell me what's the most apropiated kind of cloth we must use
  •  15