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Sigs Unit 8 Cases 1-7

  •  English    24     Public
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  • Describe the motor and sensory areas of the cerebral cortex that get their blood supply from the MCA, relating to specific MCA stroke signs/symptoms (Sigs 8.1a)
    Motor: broca's area--> expressive aphasia, unilateral motor area--> contralateral hemiparesis; sensory: wernicke's--> receptive aphasia, unilateral sensory area
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  • Describe the RACE score and NIH Stroke Score and how they are used for CVA management. (Sigs 8.1a)
    RACE is a pre-hospital assessment to assess possible stroke- EMT; NIHSS is more specific- used by physicians to quantify severity of stroke in acute setting
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  • Describe the vascular and neurogenic migraine hypotheses. (Sigs 8.4b)
    V: ischemia due to intracranial vasoconstriction-> aura&rebound vasodilation->perivascular nociceptive activation; N: neuronal hyperactivity occipital cortex
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  • Describe the process of myelination and its role in nerve cell conduction. (SIGS 8.1b)
    See image; serves as insulating layer composed of protein and fat that allows electrical impulses to transmit quickly and effectively down nerve axon
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  • Identify mechanisms of demyelination in MS and relate it to possible causes of MS. (SIGS 8.1b)
    activation myelin-reactive T cells-> adhesion molecule expression-> enter BBB; antibodies against myelin; inflammation, free radical,& protease release
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  • Explain the rationale for using methylprednisone in an acute MS exacerbation. (SIGS 8.1b)
    decr vasodilation & permeability of capillaries + decrease leukocytes + mediate change gene express + inhibit phospholipase A2 & NF-kappa B--> decr. inflam
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  • Describe the role of areas of the brain affected in AD. (SIGS 8.2b)
    episodic mem affected 1st; hippocampus (short term mem); cerebellum (procedural mem); hippocampus (new mem encoded); amygdala (emotional mem)
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  • Identify neural pathways affected in AD. (SIGS 8.2b)
    memory 1st (hippocampus), then reasoning/language/behavior (frontal &temporal lobes), in later stages motor is affected (motor cortex)
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  • Describe the motor symptoms of PD across the progression of the disease. (SIGS 8.2a)
    dysphagia, micrographia, myoclonus, freezing, festination, shuffling short-stepped gait, speech disturbances
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  • Describe the effects of dopamine depletion in PD. (SIGS 8.2a)
    pars compacta in substantia nigra not making dopamine-> cannot act to stimulate D1 excitatory pathway-> unable to inhibit GPi-> incr inhibition of thalamus
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  • Identify a physiologic rationale for the declining efficacy of carbidopa-levodopa treatment over time in PD. (SIGS 8.2b)
    dependency on exogenous levodopa vs endogenous + disease progression-> dose dependence-> side effects worsen(dyskinesia)--> discontinue
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  • List the advantages and disadvantages of the drug therapies used to manage PD. (SIGS 8.2b)
    some drugs can only be used for short periods due to adverse effects; others if used for a long time have increasing undesired effects/ decreased effectiveness
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  • Describe the clinical presentation of vertigo. (SIGS 8.3a)
    rotatory spinning or rocking, possible nausea & vomiting; Meniere triad: peripheral vertigo, tinnitus, asymmetric fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss
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  • Discuss the indications for and mechanism of action of the Epley Maneuver in cases of vertigo. (SIGS 8.3a)
    Indication: BPPV; MOA: moves lodged calcium crystal(canalith)debris out of semicircular canal into inner ear-->stereocilia can move-->normalize action potential
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  • Describe the clinical presentation of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and labyrinthitis. (SIGS 8.3a)
    BPPV= abnormal sensation of motion elicited by certain provocative positions--> nystagmus; Labyrinthitis: inflamm disorder-> poor balance & hearing
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  • Contrast the mechanisms of action of fingolimod and natalizumab for relapse prevention in MS. (SIGS 8.1b)
    F: sphingosine-1-phosphate analog that decreases lymphocyte invasion of CNS; N: antibody against a4-integrin to decrease lymphocyte invasion of CNS
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