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Listening Task: Unit 5

  •  English    16     Public
    Let's do this listening activity with this game!
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  • What are most protests against?
    Some are against governments and companies or in support of things.
  •  25
  • Does the speaker think that protesting is useful? Why?
    Yes, the speaker thinks protesting is the people's power.
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  • What do some governments do to "control" protests?
    They use a lot of force to stop them.
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  • How can we check the news nowadays?
    We can check the news everywhere because of the internet.
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  • What does "People power" mean?
    The power that people have to make a change.
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  • True or False: "Protests do not appear on TV as often"
    False - Protests appear on TV most of the time.
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  • Ture or False: Protests are a good thing to demonstrate peacefully.
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  • True or False: "Some countries don't appear to like people protesting."
    True - Some governments use a lot of force to "control" them.
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  • True or False: Most protests are peaceful and nothing bad happens.
    False - Some people have died in demonstrations.
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  • Nowadays, we get a lot of news from reports, photos and videos as they happen. True or False?
    True - Thanks to the internet.
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  • What is an activist?
    a person/ people that take direct action to achieve a political or social goal
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  • What is a "chant"
    to say or shout the same thing over and over
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  • What is a demonstration?
    to show feelings or views publicly by acting as a group with others
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  • What is a protest?
    a declaration of opinion and usually of dissent
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  • What is a slogan?
    Short messages used in demonstrations
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  • What is a banner?
    message written on a long strip of material
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