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Teachings of Buddha

  •  English    10     Public
    Identify the following
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • It consist of eight things people should do or have in their lives.
    The Noble Eightfold Path
  •  15
  • If you follow the Noble Eightfold Path you will achive the state of happines called _____?
  •  15
  • Give the Four Noble Truth
  •  15
  • Give the two teaching of Buddha
    Four Noble Truth and The Noble Eightfold Path
  •  15
  • Give the two branches of Buddhism
    Theravada and Mahayana
  •  15
  • He is the current Dalai Lama in Tibet
    Tenzin Gyatso
  •  15
  • Someone who has already reached enlightenment
  •  15
  • An Indian King who spread the religion Buddhism
    King Ashoka
  •  15
  • Zen Buddhism in Japan emphasize ______ and work
  •  15
  • A living Buddha and a leader of Buddhist in Tibet
    Dalai Lama
  •  15