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Unit 1 Vocabulary 4

  •  English    20     Public
    Vocabulary 4
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  • afraid of I run when I am afraid.
    to be scared of something
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  • better,at: I cook better at home.
    be better at something
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  • different from: jogging is different from running.
    something that is similar but different.
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  • excited aboutty:yell when you're excited about a concert.
    be excited about something
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  • good at: Reading makes me better at understanding.
    be good at a subject.
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  • interested in:I am interested in seeing a program.
    Show interest in a topic.
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  • scared of : Cry scared of a blow.
    be scared by some event
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  • worried about: not sleeping worried about a problem
    worry about a situation.
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  • amazing: running very fast is amazing.
    do something amazing.
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  • bad grade: not doing homework gives me a bad grade
    get a bad score
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  • travel: I would like to travel and biking there
    to make a journey, usually over a long distance:
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  • still: The sea is constantly moving, never still.
    continuing to happen or continuing to be done:
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  • crawly legs: Crawly legs makes you want to move around.
    Constant movement of the legs.
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  • brain: My brain is usefull to think.
    the organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings, and activity:
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  • heart: Sing songs make my heart bit
    the organ in your chest that sends the blood around your body
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  • injuries: The teenager received heavy injuries and was transported to the hospital.
    physical harm or damage to someone's body caused by an accident or an attack
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