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vocabulary 4 unit 1

  •  English    20     Public
    vocabulary 4 unit 1
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  • Afraid of:to feel fear or worry
    Adjetive:maria is afraid of of spiders
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  • better at:good: of a higher quality or more enjoyable than someone or something else
    Adjetive:you need to be better at
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  • diferent from:not the same as someone or something else
    Adjetive:i am different from
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  • exited about:feeling very happy and interested, or showing this
    adjetive:mario is exited about play soccer
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  • good at:enjoyable or nice
    adjetive:you need to be good at
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  • interesed in:be/get interested in something
    adjetive:am interesed in thath toy
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  • scared of:frightened or worried
    adjetive:juan is so scared of every thing
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  • woried about:unhappy because you are thinking about bad things that might happen
    Adjetive:im so woried about
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  • amazing:very good
    Adjetve:this place is so amazing
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  • bad grade:not good or pleasant
    Adjetive:jose have bad grade
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  • travel:to make a journey
    Verb:i will trave in abril
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  • still:used to say that something is continuing to happen now
    Adverb:i will still stay in home because covid-19
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  • crawly legs:to move on your hands and knees
    verb:i have crawly legs
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  • Brain:the part inside your head that controls your thoughts, feelings, and movements
    noun:every one has brain
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  • heart:the organ inside your chest that sends blood around your body
    Noun:the organ inside your chest that sends blood around your body
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  • injuries:damage to someone’s body lesión
    noun:axel have a lot of injuries
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