Game Preview


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  • True/False: Judaism is a polytheistic religion.
    False: Judaism is monotheistic- one God.
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  • What is Judaism's most sacred text?
    The Torah (The Five Books of the Law)
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  • Name 2 symbols of Judaism.
    The Menorah & The Star of David
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  • What is a covenant?
    As used in the Bible, a solemn and binding agreement (promise) between God and humanity.
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  • What is a synagogue?
    A place for congregational worship that emerged during the Exile and became important in the period after the destruction of the temples in 586 BCE and 70 CE.
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  • What is a rabbi?
    A Jewish scholar or teacher, especially of the law; a person appointed as a Jewish religious leader.
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  • Name some dietary laws of Kashruth (eating kosher).
    meat comes from animals that have split hooves & chew their cud (cows, sheep, goats, OK; pigs, NO), meat and dairy separated, animals slaughtered humanely, etc
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  • What is Shabbat?
    the Sabbath (begins Friday at sunset, ends Saturday at sundown)
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  • What does the Star of David symbolize?
    Shield of David; will to survive, source of pride
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  • What does the menorah symbolize? How many branches does it have?
    symbolizes light; 8 branches- one branch for each of the six days of creation, and one for Sabbath
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  • What is Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur?
    Festivals that celebrate the Jewish New Year (marked by fasting & prayers of repentence)
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  • What is Hannukah?
    8 day festival of lights--celebrates the re-dedication of the temple (enough oil for one night lasted 8)
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  • What is a bar mitzvah? What is it called for girls?
    The religious initiation ceremony of a Jewish boy who has reached the age of thirteen. Bat Mitzvah. Means "son/daughter of the commandment"
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  • Who is the founder of Judaism?
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  • What is the symbol of Judaism?
    The Star of David
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  • Where did Judaism originate?
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