Game Preview

Phrasal Verbs (Trouble!)

  •  English    16     Public
    Group 5
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A group of kids stood by and watched the school bully _____ a smaller boy.
    beat up
  •  15
  • One false move and the bomb might _____.
    blow up
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  • He's having a mental _____ because his car ________.
    break down / broke down
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  • Passengers must _____ at the airport an hour before the plane leaves.
    check in
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  • Guests should _____ of their rooms by noon.
    check out
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  • I like to _____ at the cafe with a book sometimes.
    chill out
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  • I hate their parties - we always ____ playing silly games.
    end up
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  • I ____ every time I see a bug.
    freak out
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  • ____, this will only take half a second.
    Hold on
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  • Police estimate that robbers who _____ the Bank of Montreal got away with over $100,000 in cash.
    held up
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  • Hold on tight and don't v____ of my hand!
    let go
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  • He's never one to ____ a free meal.
    pass up
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  • I beg to ____ that you are wrong.
    point out
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  • The 100 dollar jacket is such a ____.
    rip off
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  • Do you your mother or father?
    take after
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  • I was going too fast and I ___ on the bend.
    wiped out
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