Game Preview

Vocabulary 2

  •  English    20     Public
    5th Grade
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 1.-I report when I finish a task
    2.- I report my projects
  •  15
  • 1.-I research for a topic
    2.-I research for information
  •  15
  • 1.-I review my answer before i write
    2.-I review my homework
  •  15
  • 1.-I study hard for my examn
    1.-I like study for english
  •  15
  • 1.-My teacher give a test
    2.-I have 100 in the test
  •  15
  • 1.-Look out in class
    2.-Im look out
  •  15
  • 1.-My friend give me a advice
    2.-I follow the advice
  •  15
  • 1.-This apple is weird
    2.-My brother is weird
  •  15
  • 1.-I have a distraction
    2.-I have to move away a distraction
  •  15
  • 1.-I forget my homework
    2.-I have to try not to forget this lesson
  •  15
  • 1.-I do a survey
    2.-My teacher give a survey
  •  15
  • 1.-I eat in my recess
    2.-I go to bathroom in my recess
  •  15
  • 1.-Many homework make i stress
    2.-I stress in math class
  •  15
  • 1.-I better my behavior
    2.-My friend have a good behavior
  •  15
  • 1.-I categorize my food
    1.-I categorize my subjects
  •  15
  • 1.-I have a plan
    2.-I plan my homework
  •  15