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FM 7 - Conjunctions & Conjunctive Adverbs

  •  English    11     Public
    Conjunctions & Conjunctive Adverbs
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You and I both know that our relationship is not going to last much longer; ___, I believe we should just end it here.
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  • ___ his low results, Tommy lost his scholarship. ___, he became very depressed.
    because of - Therefore
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  • Pete was absent from class yesterday, ___ he couldn’t understand the lesson.
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  • Many people believe him, ___ he often tells lies.
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  • Tom wakes his parents up ___ playing the guitar very softly
    despite / in spite of
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  • He got wet ___ he forgot his umbrella.
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  • They have a lot of difficulties in their life ___ their poverty.
    because of
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  • She is a very positive person; ___, she often thinks that everything happens for a reason
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  • I've read this many times before, ___ I still cannot understand it.
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  • Lauren attracts lots of men. ___, she has never dated anyone before.
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  • Mr. Potato was hit bus a bus ___ he was not paying attention while crossing the road. ___, he was totally fine.
    because - However
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