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Boss around

  •  English    19     Public
    To issue orders to (someone) by right of authority- that regional manager certainly likes to boss people aroundiii
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  • Fall Out
    To stop being friendly with someone because you have had a disagreement with them- If soldiers fall out, they stop standing in a line and move away to differe
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  • Gang Up
    To join together as a group especially to attack, oppose, or criticize- They ganged up on their brother
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  • Get Along
    to proceed toward a destination- most college students can get along with just a few hours of sleep at night
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  • Hang Out
    to live at or frequent a place- the police know where the thieves hang out
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  • Leave Out
    to not include or mention somebody/something in something- You left out the best parts of the story.
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  • Let Down
    to fail to help or support somebody as they had hoped or expected- He trudged home feeling lonely and let down
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  • Make Up
    to invent an explanation for something, especially in order to avoid being punished or embarrassed- You should stay the night – I’ll make up a bed for you.
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  • Meet Up
    to come together with someone, either unexpectedly or as planned- We usually meet up for a quick coffee in the morning.
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  • Push Around
    If someone pushes you around, they give you orders in a rude and insulting way.- We don't like somebody coming in with lots of money and trying to push people a
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  • Push Down
    cause to come or go down- I grab the door handle again and push down as hard as I can, but it doesn’t budge.
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  • Put Up With
    to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation or experience, or someone who behaves unpleasantly:- I can put up with the house being messy, but I hate
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  • Stick up for
    to support or defend someone or something, especially when that person or thing is being criticized- I can stick up for myself.
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  • Socialize
    to spend time when you are not working with friends or with other people in order to enjoy yourself:- I tend not to socialize with my colleagues
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  • Interviewing
    the activity of asking someone questions to see whether they are suitable for a job or course- I went to a job interviewI
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  • Honest
    telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely to steal, cheat, or lie- he's completely honest.
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  • Advice
    an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation- Steven gave me some good advice
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