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Jamestown Part 2

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  •  English    11     Public
    the Jamestown colony
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  • When John Smith became president of Jamestown, his main rule was "He that will not ____, shall not eat."
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  • Once John Smith became govenor, the colonists focused all of their effort on:
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  • Because of the drought, the colonists were unable to grow food. This caused them to do what?
    violently demand food from the Native Americans
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  • What was the effect of the colonists demanding food from the Native Ameicans?
    Powhatan ordered his warriors to surround the fort. No one could escape. The colonists starved.
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  • Why was the second winter at Jamestown called, "The Starving Period?"
    The colonists had no food to eat and could not escape the fort with Powhatan's men surrounding it.
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  • What did the colonists do to Pocahontas?
    captured her and forced her to live at Jamestown
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  • What crop made a lot of money for Jamestown?
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  • What was the House of Burguesses?
    the government set up at Jamestown
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  • Once Jamestown grew and more and more large farms were built, farmers started using ______ as laborers.
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  • In the end, what happened between the Native Americans and colonists at Jamestown?
    the colonists took over their lands for tobacco and they were forced out
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  • What happened to John Smith?
    he was injured in a gun powder explosion and had to return to England
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