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You are what you eat!

  •  English    20     Public
    Celebrate Nutrition Week with this foody quiz
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  • Which musical celebrates "Food Glorious Food"?
    Oliver! (1968)
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  • Today, honey is used medicinally and as a food additive or nutritional supplement. But can you eat honey if you are a vegan?
    No, honey is made by bees.
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  • What language does the word ketchup come from: Inuit, Malay, or Spanish?
    Ketchup likely comes into English from the Malay word kĕchap used to describe a fish sauce.
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  • What country is renowned for chocolate: Belgium, Switzerland or The Netherlands?
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  • What percentage of peanuts is found in a standard jar of peanut butter?
    At least 90% (unless it is all natural = 100%)
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  • What is used to make hummus?
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  • What nutrient comes from meat, eggs, and fish?
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  • Can you guess what was the first food eaten in space?
    Apple sauce
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  • If you suffer from Mageirocophobia, what are you scared of?
    Mageirocophobia is the fear of cooking
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  • Sailors used to suffer from a horrible illness called scurvy. What causes scurvy?
    A lack of vitamin C
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  • What type of food is a peanut?
    A peanut is a legume, not a nut
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  • What foodstuff is traditionally wrapped in seaweed?
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  • What is Indian bread more commonly known as?
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  • Where were French fries invented: France or Belgium or USA?
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  • What is the most important foodstuff for more than a third of the world’s population?
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  • What animal do they use in the Middle East for milk, meat, and transport?
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