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Would You Rather?

  •  English    10     Public
    /r/ and explaining reasoning
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Would you rather be able to read minds or have to say everything you think out loud?
    Explain reasoning.
  •  15
  • Would you rather eat a loaf of moldy bread or a block of moldy cheese?
    Explain reasoning.
  •  15
  • Would you rather have no eyebrows or have no fingernails?
    Explain reasoning.
  •  15
  • Would you rather always be hungry or always be tired?
    Explain reasoning.
  •  15
  • Would you rather go to school all year and have one week off per month or go to school every day and have summer off?
    Explain reasoning.
  •  15
  • Would you rather live in Antarctica or in the Amazon?
    Explain reasoning.
  •  15
  • Would you rather always smell rotten eggs everywhere you go or always hear nails scratching on a chalkboard?
    Explain reasoning.
  •  15
  • Would you rather live on a desert island alone or on a desert island with your least favorite celebrity?
    Explain reasoning.
  •  15
  • Would you rather live in the middle of nowhere with no one else around or live in the middle of an overcrowded city?
    Explain reasoning.
  •  15
  • Would you rather it be your birthday every single day or your favorite holiday every day?
    Explain reasoning.
  •  15