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Chapter 3 : Linear Relations

  •  English    12     Public
    This game is about Linear relations, and everything covered in chapter 3
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  • What is a y- intercept?
    the y-coordinate of a point where a line, curve, or surface intersects the y-axis or b ( in slope form)
  •  5
  • Explain a linear Relation.
    A linear relationship is a statistical term used to describe a straight-line relationship between two variables. Can be described in the equation: y=mx +b
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  • What is a dependant and independent variable?
    Independent: It is a variable that stands alone and isn't changed by the other variables. Dependant: the one that depends on the value of some other number.
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  • How to find the slope?
    To find the slope of a line, you find the rise and the run, you put the 2 in a fraction form, rise over run. Or you can find it in : m=Y2 - Y1/ X2 - X1
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  • How to find the rate of change
    we divide the change in y (output) by the change in x (input).
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  • What is a table of values?
    A table of values is basically a table which lists the values of y, given the x values, for the given line.
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  • How to find the first difference
    You find the first differences in a table of values by finding the difference in consecutive values for the dependent variable. 
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  • Is this a direct or partial variation? explan.
    It’s a direct variation because the initial values are 0,0
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  • determine the slope of the line that passes through these pair of points : (4,0) and (6,18)
    m= y2-y1/x2-x1 m= 18 - 0/ 6-4   m=18/2 m=9
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  • Describe a relation between the figure number and the total number of squares using an equation.
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  • What is a direct and partial variation?
    Direct:a proportional relationship: the other variable changes at the same rate. The initial value is zero.  partial variation : initial value that is not zero
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  • What does extrapolate mean?
    To predict a value by following a pattern beyond known values.
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