Game Preview


  •  English    20     Public
    Vocabulary 1
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • 1.- Comunication ''I have comunication with my friends"
    "The comunication is so important"
  •  15
  • 2.- Concentration ''I have concentration"
    "I need to have concentration"
  •  15
  • 3.-Correction 'I have some corrections"
    "The corrections are important"
  •  15
  • 4.- Distraction "I have some distraction"
    "I couldn't have distractions in class"
  •  15
  • 5.- Education "You need education"
    "I have education"
  •  15
  • 6.- Imagination "I don't have imagination"
    "I need imagination"
  •  15
  • 7.- Information "You need information?"
    "I have information"
  •  15
  • 8.- Instruction "Do the instruction"
    "I say a Instruction"
  •  15
  • 9.- Motivation "Say a motivation to he"
    "You have motivation"
  •  15
  • 10.- Participation "You need to participate"
    "I participate'
  •  15
  • 11.- Presentation "You have the presentation?"
    "Yes, I have de presentation"
  •  15
  • 12.- Suggestion "You have a suggestion?"
    "No, I don't have a suggestion"
  •  15
  • 13.- Analyze "I analyze de situation"
    "You don't analyze de situation"
  •  15
  • 14.- Brainstorm "You have brainstorm?"
    "Yes, I have brainstorm"
  •  15
  • 15.- Check "I can check you?"
    "No, you can't check my now"
  •  15
  • 16.- Compare "I compare the fruits"
    "I compare papers"
  •  15