Game Preview


  •  English    20     Public
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  • Overall, they were a strong team, but there was a weak link in the defense, and that could prove to be the Achilles heel. What does "Achilles heel" mean?
    a small fault or weakness in a person who in most other things is very strong or skilled
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  • When I asked George whether he knew who had taken the files from my desk, he started beating around the bush and refused to give me a direct answer. What does "beating around the bush" mean?
    to avoid speaking directly, to avoid talking about the most important thing
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  • Jone suggested playing a party game to break the ice. What does "break the ice" mean?
    to say or do something to make people who do not know each other feel more relaxed.
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  • The assignment that the student completed was so bad that the teacher got as mad as a hatter. What does "mad as a hatter" mean?
    to behave or do something in a strange or crazy way
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  • I ate chocolate lava cake for the first time and it was hands down the best dessert I’ve eaten. What does "hands down" mean?
    to win something easily and without and question, to be the best without question
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  • I am going to bed now. Good night, sleep tight. What does "sleep tight" mean?
    to sleep well, comfortably, or undisturbed
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  • The governor was accused of jumping the shark during his re-election campaign by joining in with the cheerleading squad at his former high school's football game. What does "jumping the shark" mean?
    when the style or quality of something suddenly changed, often for the worse
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  • Quit acting like such a bigwig—you're no more important than the rest of us. What does "big wig" mean?
    a person who is very important, powerful, or wealthy
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  • The principal decided to turn a blind eye to the student’s misconduct this time with a hope that they won’t do it again. What does "turn a blind eye" mean?
    to ignore or pretend not to notice something
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  • Soon, I realized that the old car was difficult to maintain and it was like a white elephant. What does "white elephant" mean?
    something which costs a lot of money but which is not worth it or very useful
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  • David looked nice initially, but he showed his true colors when I asked him for help and told me to get lost. What does "who your true colors" mean?
    An action which shows what a person is really like.
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  • “How did your team do in the tournament?” “Close, but no cigar; we came second.” What does "close but no cigar" mean?
    To almost achieve success but fail.
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  • We had managed to keep the party a secret from Bill until Katy spilled the beans yesterday. What does "spill the beans" mean?
    To give away secret or private information.
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  • I was just pulling your leg when I said that the school is going to shut down. What does "pulling your leg" mean?
    To trick or lie to someone in a playful way.
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  • My sister loves being in the limelight, but I get really nervous on stage. What does "in the limelight" mean?
    To be the center of attention, to have a lot of people’s attention.
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  • The teacher had asked the student to be quiet several times but he was still talking. She got angry and asked him to put a sock in it. What does "put a sock in it" mean?
    To demand a person stop talking, shouting, or making any other kind of noise.
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