Game Preview

E6 CCE Online Marketplace - CW Online Disinhibit ...

  •  English    8     Public
    All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • In the gaming world, who is a 'noob' ?
    It refers to a new player or "newbie". It can be used both as a friendly banter or as an insult, depending on the context.
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  • A parent says: "When I used to play games, it was sports with my neighbours at the void deck or the basketball court. But now, my kid is playing online games with kids all over the world. I'm worried." What advise would you give?
    Thank you for sharing :)
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  • What do you think are the possible consequences when we share our personal information publicly on social media?
    Thank you for the sharing :)
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  • Online disinhibition is when people feel safer saying things online which they would not say in real life because they have the ability to remain completely anonymous and invisible behind the computer screen. Give an example of this.
    Thank you for the example :)
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  • When someone says 'GG' in an online game, what do they mean?
    GG means “good game" and is used as a mark of sportsmanship. However, GG isn’t always used positively. Messaging GG before you’ve won the match is rude.
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  • Playing the game with your child or observing the game to understand how it works, is a strategy to prevent cyberbullying for gamers. True or false?
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  • What is the most popular social media platform in Singapore?
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  • Do people disagree more online or offline? Why do you think that is?
    Thank you for sharing :)
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