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19th Century Spain

  •  English    46     Public
    Events in Spain in the 1800s
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  • When did the War of Independence begin and when did it end?
    1808 to 1814
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  • When and where was the first Spanish Constitution passed?
    It was passed in Cortes de Cádiz in 1812.
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  • Who took the throne after the War of Independence?
    Ferdinand VII
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  • What did Ferdinand VII do with the Constitution of 1812?
    He abolished it and restored absolutism.
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  • What happened to the Spanish colonies in America during Ferdinand VII's reign?
    The Spanish colonies started to proclaim their independence.
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  • What is the meaning of uprising?
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  • What was Salic Law?
    An ancient frankish law preventing women from being monarch.
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  • Who changed Salic Law? How?
    King Ferdinand VII. He issued the Pragmatic Sanction.
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  • Who fought in the first Carlist War? Name both sides.
    The absolutists (Carlists) against the liberals (Isabelinos).
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  • What did Amadeo I do in 1873?
    He abdicated and fled the country.
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  • What happened to Isabella II in 1868?
    She was forced into exile in France.
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  • Name the 3  main stages of the reign of Ferdinand VII
    1) Six years of absolutism or 'Sexenio Absolutista', 2) Liberal Triennium or 'Trienio Liberal', 3) Ominous Decade or 'Década Ominosa'
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  • Who were the two regents in Isabella II's reign?
    Her mother, María Cristina and Espartero
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  • What's the historical context that surrounds the Constitution of 1869?
    Isabella II's reign was unstable, there was a Glorious Revolution (1868),and a Provisional Government was created, which established a Parliamentary Monarchy.
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  • Who were the Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis?
    They were the 'army' of the Holly Alliance. They helped Ferdinand VII return to absolutism.
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  • Put these events in the correct chronological order:  REGENCY OF ESPARTERO, GLORIOUS REVOLUTION, FIRST CARLIST WAR, FIRST REPUBLIC
    1) First Carlist War (1833-40), 2) Regency of Espartero (1840-43), 3) Glorious Revolution (1868), 4) First Republic (1873-74)
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