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Phrasals (Relations)

  •  English    15     Public
    Group 1
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A bunch of strange guys were _______________ in front of the nightclub, so we didn't go in.
    hanging out
  •  15
  • We haven't found an apartment yet, but we're going to _______________ a couple of places this afternoon.
    check out
  •  10
  • He took his girlfriend up to the top of Mount Douglas, and they _______________ in his car.
    made out
  •  5
  • He is a bully who always _______________ the smaller boys in his class.
    picks on
  •  15
  • There's a girl in John's class that he wants to _______________, but he's too shy.
    ask out
  •  20
  • I asked her if she wanted to go to the movie with me, but she ________me_______.
    turned (me) down
  •  20
  • Come on, _______________. Failing one exam is not the end of the world.
    cheer up
  •  5
  • Sam always fights with his girlfriend so I think they should _______________.
    split up
  •  5
  • The violence in movies these days really _______me________. I want to see movies that make me feel good.
    turns (me) off
  •  20
  • We have two cats and a dog, and they all really _______________ well together.
    get along
  •  15
  • He went to the party hoping he would _______________ this girl he likes but she wasn't there.
    bump into
  •  20
  • My sister is really pretty, so every time she goes to a nightclub, all the guys try to _______________ her.
    hit on
  •  20
  • Your classmates needed you for your group presentation, but you really _______them________ by not coming to class.
    let (them) down
  •  10
  • I can't believe he _______________ with his girlfriend again. She's already cheated on him twice, but he keeps going back for more.
    made up
  •  25
  • Judy and Tim are just friends, but I'm sure they'll _______________ someday, because they get along so well together.
    hook up
  •  25