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NSG123 Exam 1 Review

  •  English    26     Public
    Modules 1-3
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • An FEV1 of 93% is expected in a patient with Grade 2 COPD. True or False?
    False; 50-80% predicted
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  • What are the 2 most common tests to diagnose pneumonia?
    CXR and Sputum Culture
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  • What is the best way to prevent pneumonia?
    Vaccination (and don't smoke)
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  • Your patient has been diagnosed with pneumonia. This patient comes to the clinic 2x/week for dialysis. What classification of pneumonia does this patient have?
    Health Care Associated
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  • Chronic bronchitis and emphysema can be caused by COPD?. True or False
    False- they are forms of COPD
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  • You are assessing a patient's capillary refill. What is a normal capillary refill?
    < 3 seconds (can be higher with advanced COPD)
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  • What is the role of the circulating nurse?
    Overall coordination, updating family, report off to PACU, verify site marking and patient ID, monitoring surgical procedure
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  • What are signs of malignant hyperthermia?
    Muscle Rigidity, Fever, Tachycardia, Hypotension, Increased RR
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  • How can a client prevent an asthma attack?
    Medication compliance, symptom knowledge, avoiding triggers
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  • How often should patients with moderate or severe asthma monitor their peak flow measurements?
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  • Wheezing that disappears during status asthmaticus is a sign that the patient is improving. True or False
    False- As obstruction worsens, so does wheezing. Sign of respiratory failure. May need to be intubated.
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  • How long does a patient need to hold their breath after inhaling from inhaler?
    5-10 seconds
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  • Long term oral corticosteroids are recommended for treatment of COPD and Asthma. True or False
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  • You are caring for a patient with severe COPD. Their O2 sat is 90%. What should you do?
    Nothing- this is ok for severe COPD. Need to avoid CO2 retention.
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  • Your patient is diagnosed with pneumonia on CXR. What treatment is likely to be ordered?
    broad spectrum antibiotic (if no drug resistance history)
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  • Quantiferon Gold is used to diagnose active TB. True or False?
    False; It is a screening tool to see if past exposure
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