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Ancient Israel "The Bible Series"

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    Social Studies: Ancient Israel
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  • Persian King who released Daniel from Lion's Den
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  • The 3 men who refused to worship Nebuchadnezzar's golden idol statue were punished by . . .
    Being thrown into the fire.
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  • Babylonian king who burned the Jerusalem temple down, took the Israelites to Babylon, and eventually went insane.
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  • Daniel's punishment for praying after Cyrus ruled no praying for 30 days.
    He was put into the Lion's Den.
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  • Jewish man who was hired by Persian king to interpret dreams. He was later thrown into a Lion's den for praying.
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  • What forced the Israelites into Egypt after the time of Abraham?
    Lions and Wild Animals
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  • What was the secret Moses's mother kept from him?
    That he was not Egyptian, he was born a Jewish (Israelite) slave.
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  • How does God appear to Moses when told to free the Israelites (Jews) from Egypt?
    A burning bush
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  • What was "The Passover" that took place when Moses was trying to convince Pharaoh to release his people?
    Angel of death passed over (skipped) the shelters of the Israelites who had painted lambs blood on doors.
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  • The Laws that Moses received from God were called . . .
    The Ten Commandments
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  • What happened to Lot's wife when she looked back at the burning city of Sodom as they were escaping with the angel soldiers of God?
    She was turned into a pillar of salt.
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  • What was the name of Abraham and Sarah's son?
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  • How did Moses and the Israelites escape when they became trapped at the Red Sea with the Egyptians chasing after them?
    Moses parted the Red Sea
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  • What was the name the of the city that Mary and Joseph fled to and gave birth to Jesus?
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  • How did Samson lose his strength?
    Delilah cut his hair.
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  • Who were the Israelite enemies that both Samson and later David fought off?
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