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Preposition + Gerunds

  •  English    10     Public
    Let's practice using prepositions with gerunds to express our feelings!
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • He believes ______ (tell) the truth to anyone.
    in telling
  •  15
  • At his job, he works with other people and he never complains _____ (work) long hours
    about working
  •  15
  • He works hard and doesn't worry _____ (have to) work on weekends or holidays
    about having to
  •  15
  • He's afraid ______ (fly)
    of flying
  •  15
  • She doesn't object ______ (talk) about herself from time to time.
    to talking
  •  15
  • Right now, she's bored _____ (be) a student.
    with being
  •  15
  • She's sick and tired _____ (write) so many long reports and _____ (take) exams every few weeks!
    of writing/taking
  •  15
  • She's angry _____ (have to) spend so much time in front of a computer
    about having to
  •  15
  • She's not at all afraid _____ (fly)!
    of flying
  •  15
  • She's excited _____ (go) on vacation.
    about going
  •  15