Game Preview

How TUNED IN are they?

  •  English    16     Public
    Tuning In
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  • Tim’s class is playing a game in math class. Tim is sitting at his desk with his head down and not answering any questions. How Tuned In is Tim?
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  • Jason is eating lunch in the cafeteria. He is sitting at the table with his friends, but he is not talking to them or looking at them. How Tuned In is Jason?
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  • Charlie hears his friends talking about how hard their science test was. He thought it was easy, but he doesn’t say that because he doesn’t want to make them feel bad. How Tuned In is Charlie?
    Tuned IN
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  • Lola walks into her classroom and it is empty. She notices that the schedule on the board says it’s time for art. She decides to wait in the classroom until her class comes back. How Tuned In is Lola?
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  • Ella walks into her classroom and sees everyone sitting quietly at their desks and listening to their teacher. Ella stands in the middle of the room until her teacher tells her what to do. How Tuned In is Ella?
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  • Freddie walks into his living room and sees his brother watching a movie that he has already seen. Freddie doesn’t want to give away the ending before his brother sees it, so he waits until the movie is over to talk about it with him. How T
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  • Marcus waits at the bus stop every morning with Jacob. This morning he walks to his bus stop, and sees that Jacob is there, but Jacob looks really upset. Marcus says, “Hey, is everything okay?” How Tuned In is Marcus?
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  • Zack is at a sleepover at his friends’ house. He spends the whole night playing a game on his phone and doesn’t look up or talk to his friends. How Tuned In is Zack?
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  • Joshua’s teacher is talking about their upcoming history project. Joshua is looking at his teacher and sitting quietly at his desk, but he is thinking about his hockey game. How Tuned In is Joshua?
    Somewhat TUNED IN
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  • Lindsey is talking to Jenny about soccer. Lindsey says, “I’ve played soccer since I was five.” Jenny says, “Cool. I only just started playing.” Lindsey says, “Well you’re probably not that good then.” Jenny looks away. How Tuned In is Jenny
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  • Norah says to Tyler, “Do you like to watch cooking shows?” Tyler says, “No I’m not really into cooking.” Norah says, “Oh. Well what do you like to do for fun?” How Tuned In is Norah?
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  • Olivia is talking to Jade about her favorite show. She notices that Jade doesn’t seem interested in the topic because she’s not asking any questions or making any comments. Olivia switches the topic to Jade’s dance recital. How Tuned In is
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  • Taylor is talking to her friends in the hallway before school starts. She is making eye contact with them and nodding along with the conversation, but is thinking about her math test. How Tuned In is Taylor?
    Somewhat TUNED IN
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  • Billy was late to school today, and he missed gym class. He is upset because gym is his favorite subject, but he knows that if he has a big reaction, he might make his classmates feel uncomfortable. How Tuned In is Billy?
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  • Billy was late to school today, and he missed gym class. He is upset because gym is his favorite subject, but he knows that if he has a big reaction, he might make his classmates feel uncomfortable. How Tuned In is Billy?
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  • Ryan really wants to talk to his friends about his new video game, but they are working on a group science project. He waits until lunch to bring it up so he doesn’t distract them. How Tuned In is Ryan?
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