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Elements and Compounds

  •  English    17     Public
    Unit 3
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Who publised the first table of chemcical elements?
  •  15
  • Why did Mendeleen leave gaps in the table?
    He assumed other elements were yet to be discocvered
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  • in 1817, what did Dobëreiner classify the elemets based on?
    Their atomic mass
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  • Why did Mendeleen call it the "Periodic table of elements"?
    Becase the properties of the elements were repeated at a certain frequnecy.
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  • What did John A.R. Newland organize the elemets accrding to?
    Their mass
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  • What is the outermost layer occupied by electrons called?
    The valence layer
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  • In the current periodic table, the chemical elemets are organized in ascending order according to what?
    Their atomic number
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  • How many rows are there in the periodic table? (don't look!) What are the rows called?
    There are 7 rows and they are called periods
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  • What do the elements in a row have in common?
    They have the same number of of layers of electrons
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  • How many columns are there? What are the columns called?
    There are 18 colums and they are called groups.
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  • What do all the elements in a column (group) have in common?
    They all have the same number of electrons in their outer layer
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  • What are the elemets in group 1 called? How many electrons do they have in the outer layer?
    Alkali metals. They have 1 electron in the outer layer.
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  • What are the elements in group 17 called? How many electrons do they have in the outer layer?
    Haolgens. They have 7 electrons in the outer layer.
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  • Which group of elements do not form ions?
    Noble gases (group 18)
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  • What do elements that are classified as metals tend to do in regards to electrons and ions? (gain, lose...)
    Metals tend to lose electrons and form positive ions
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  • How did Henry Moseley organize elements on the period table? (The same way that they are organized now)
    Based on their number of protons
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