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British historry

  •  English    24     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Who were the first settlers?
  •  5
  • How were the celts called? What derived from that?
    Britons - Britannia - Britain
  •  20
  • What are the things/inventions the Romans brought and "built" in Britain?
    cities, streets, sewage systems, baths...
  •  20
  • How is this called and who built it?
    Hadrian's Wall - Romans
  •  5
  • Where are Anglo-Saxns from?
    Germany and Denmark
  •  10
  • Where are Vikings from?
  •  5
  • How were the Anglo-Saxons called? What derived from that?
    Angles - Angle-land - England
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  • Which battle happened in 1066?
    Battle of Hastings
  •  5
  • Why did the Battle of Hastings happen?
    normans came and invaded Britain
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  • Where are the Normans from?
    north of France
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  • What two nations fought in the 100 years war?
    british and french
  •  10
  • What was the family house from which Henry VIII came?
  •  15
  • Why did Henry VIII reformed the church?
    because he wanted a divorce, he wasn't the head of church and it wasn't allowed
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  • What was the "new religion" in Britain after Henry VIII's reformation?
    Church of Englind - protestant
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  • How many wifes did Henry VIII have?
  •  5
  • Who were the Henry VIII's wives which he executed?
    Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard
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