Game Preview

Helen Keller

  •  English    9     Public
    Nat Geo
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What was most interesting to you to about Helen Keller?
    That's cool!
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  • By looking at Helen Keller, did she make you want to do someting? What?
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  • How did Helen practice speaking?
    She got help from a singing teacher!
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  • Why do you think Helen was happy when she realized that things had names?
    Very thoughtful!
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  • How do you think you would have felt if you suddenly lost your eyesight and hearing?
    Thank you for sharing!
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  • How long did Helen work with Anne Sullivan?
    49 years!
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  • What do you think helped Helen Keller speak out and encourage people?
    Good answer!
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  • What do you think it will be like to be taught in your house? Do you like homeschool better or school better?
    Interesting answer!
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  • What did Helen Keller make you think about?
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