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IELTS Listening test

  •  English    15     Public
    Review slide deck
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  • Which part of the IELTS exam is the listening test?
  •  15
  • How long does the listening test last in total ?
    40 minutes
    Too long
    I can't remember because I wasn't listening.
    30 minutes
  •  15
  • How many times do you hear the audio for each section?
    A lady
    Three times
  •  15
  • How long do you have to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet?
    30 minutes
    20 minutes
    10 minutes
    As long as you like
  •  15
  • How many listening sections are there?
  •  15
  • What's the total length of the listening sections?
    30 minutes
    I'm not sure; I wasn't listening.
    2 hours and 45 minutes
    40 minutes
  •  15
  • An example of a section 1 topic would be
    a discussion between a student his tutor about an assignment
    a telephone conversation about booking a hotel
    A lecture on human biology
    a monologue about local history
  •  15
  • Section 2 is a...
    monologue about an academic situation
    conversation between 3 speakers
    monologue about a work or social situation
    dialogue about a work or social situation
  •  15
  • What is the setting for section 3?
    An academic or educational situation
    A work situation
    A social situation
    An academic situation
  •  15
  • Section 4 is
    a monologue on a study based topic.
    a dialogue on a study based topic.
    a monologue on an internet based topic.
    a dialogue on a study based topic.
  •  15
  • The main skills focus in sections 1 & 2 is
    listening for the main idea.
    listening for specific facts, attitudes and opinions.
    listening for gist.
    listening for and noting specific factual information.
  •  15
  • The main skills focus for section 3 is
    listening for the main ideas
    listening for specific information
    listening for specific information, attitudes and opinions
    listening for gist
  •  15
  • Who said "The more I practice, the luckier I get."
    Harry Slayer
    Henry Layer
    Gary Player
    Gerry Farmer
  •  15
  • What should you do before listening?
    Check your phone.
    Read the question carefully.
    Relax, it'll be OK.
  •  15
  • Which is not a question type in the listening test?
    Completing a chart.
    Sentence completion.
    Multiple Choice.
    Writing an essay.
  •  15