Game Preview


  •  English    17     Public
    Revision of Unit one
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Say a synonym of the word "beautiful"
    Good-looking / Pretty / Cute
  •  5
  • Name FOUR adjectives you can use to describe the hair
    short, long, straight, curly, dark, light
  •  10
  • What is the difference between the verb "to be" and "have got"
    The meaning: "to be" means ser o estar and "have got" means tindre
  •  20
  • Complete with the verb TO BE or HAVE GOT: He ........ a singer. He ....... (not) straight hair. He ...... curly hair.
    He is a singer. He hasn't got straight hair. He has got curly hair.
  •  20
  • Complete with the verb TO BE or HAVE GOT: They ....... (not) short. They ....... very tall. They ...... (not) light hair.
    The aren't short. They are very tall. They haven't got light hair.
  •  20
  • What is the meaning of the word: "well-known"?
    Well-known = famous
  •  15
  • How do you say "personatge" in English?
  •  10
  • Complete the question with TO BE or HAVE HOT: ........ you 13 years old?
    Are you 13 years old?
  •  10
  • Complete the question with TO BE or HAVE GOT: What colour hair ...... your teacher .....?
    What colour hair has your teacher got?
  •  10
  • What is the meaning of these adjectives: hard-working, confident and easy-going
    treballador, segur de ell mateix i fàcil de tractar
  •  15
  • How do you say these words in English: vergonyós, valent i dèbil
    shy, brave and weak
  •  15
  • Name the opposite of : fat and wide
    thin and narrow
  •  20
  • Complete the gaps with the verb TO BE or HAVE GOT: He ..... brown hair and brown eyes. He ..... a rap singer and an actor.
    He has got brown hair and brown eyes. He is a rap singer and an actor.
  •  20
  • What are "cartoons"?
    dibuixos animats
  •  5
  • Complete the question with TO BE or HAVE GOT: ........ your parents ...... blue eyes?
    Have your parents got blue eyes?
  •  15
  • What is the meaning of these words: weak and lazy
    dèbil i vago
  •  20