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    Religion and religious figures/events
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  • This religion was founded in Punjab India and is primarily influenced by Hinduism, but also Islam.
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  • This man was visited by the the angel Gabriel who revealed the message of God to him in a cave in what is now Saudi Arabia.
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  • This prince travelled outside of his palace and witnessed the "Four Sights" of suffering causing him to seek enlightenment
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  • After seeing the cross in the sky at the Battle of Milvian Bridge, this Roman Emperor made Christianity legal and later became a Christian himself.
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  • This oldest continuing religion can trace its roots back 4,000 years and believes in samsara, a cycle of death and rebirth.
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  • This Islamic caliphate by 750 AD had conquered all of the ME, N Africa and Spain, then ushered in the Golden Age of Islam.
    The Umayyad Caliphate
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  • This faith was one of the first religions to introduce the idea of monotheism, heaven and hell, and messiahs. It influenced other ME religions and a few thousand people still practice it today.
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  • Initiated by Pope Urban II, this series of military campaigns weren't initially meant to protect the Byzantine Empire from the Seljuk Turks and reclaim Christian land.
    The crusades
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  • This Christian priest nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of Wittenberg All Saints church starting the Protestant Reformation.
    Martin Luther
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  • Founded in modern day Nepal, this religion believes in the eightfold path to escape suffering and reach enlightenment (Nirvana)
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  • This French peasant girl became the leader against English invaders after receiving visions of the angel Michael. She was later captured and burned at the stake, but was made a Catholic saint.
    Joan of Arc
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  • This prophet freed the Jews from slavery in Egypt, parted the Red Sea and received the 10 commandments on Mount Sinai.
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  • This religion believes in the Abrahamic prophets, the Holy Trinity, and the divinity of a man crucified by the Romans
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  • This religion believes in the five pillars - Shadada (Faith), Salat (Prayer), Zakat (Alms), Sawam (Fasting during Ramadan) and Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca).
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