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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Ch. 22-23

  •  English    16     Public
    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Ch. 22-23
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  • Will Violet Beauregarde be all right again?
    Yes, they will de-juice her.
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  • Will Violet go back to her normal color?
    No, she will be purple from hair to toes
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  • Did they have time to visit all the rooms in the factory?
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  • What did it say on the first door Grandpa Joe and Charlie passed by?
    Eatable Marshmallow Pillows
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  • What was the name of the room with pictures of fruits?
    Lickable Wallpaper for nurseries
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  • What could you find in the Lickable Wallpaper room?
    lick the picture of a banana, or a strawberry and it would taste exactly like that fruit
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  • What were the hot ice creams for?
    For cold days
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  • Why were the hot ice cream useful in winter?
    Hot ice cream warms you up in freezing winter
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  • What does one of the door say that cows give ?
    chocolate milk
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  • What happens with fizzy lifting drinks?
    They fill you with bubbles and lift you right off the ground like a balloon
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  • How do you come down again after drinking fizzy lifting drinks?
    you need to burp
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  • What happened to one of the Oompa Loompas after drinking the fizzy lifting drink?
    He went out of sight.
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  • Where do they finally stop after rushing on by many doors?
    square sweets that look round
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  • Were the square sweets round?
    No, they look round
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  • Why does Mr Wonka say the square sweets look round?
    When he opened the door, the rows of sweet turned towards the door.
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  • What do they hear when they pass by the door Butterscotch and Buttergin?
    Laughter and singing, drunk Oompa Loompas
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