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Revolutionary War

  •  English    8     Public
    What caused the Revolution and what effect did the Revolution have on our country?
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Was is also known as the Seven Years War?. This war was fought over conflicting territorial claims between the French and British in the Ohio River Valley.
    French and Indian War
  •  20
  • The 1765 _______ Act required colonists to pay a tax on printed documents, various licenses, and other goods.
    Stamp Act
  •  20
  • Tension over the presence of British troops in Boston led to the Boston __________
    Boston Massacre
  •  20
  • Angry Bostonians known as the Sons of Liberty boarded a British tea vessel dressed as Indians and dumped all of its tea into Boston Harbor in protest of the Tea tax.
    Boston Tea Party
  •  15
  • This was one of the most influential pamphlets in American history - asked the American public to support the Revolution and condemn the monarchy in England.
    Thomas Paine and Common Sense
  •  25
  • The purpose of this Iconic American document was to tell the world why America was breaking away from British rule.
    The Declaration of Independence.
  •  15
  • This document outlined the terms of the British surrender in 1783. Its ratification officially ended the REvolution, making America a free country.
    Treaty of Paris
  •  25
  • The ______ of Rights is the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
    The Bill of Rights
  •  20