Game Preview

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

  •  English    17     Public
    Chapters 21-22
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What was special about the stick of gum invented by Mr Wonka?
    It was a chewing gum meal, 3 course dinner
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  • What will happen when Mr Wonka starts selling the gum in the shops?
    It will be the end of all cooking, no more buying of meat or groceries, no plates, no knives or forks.
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  • What was the taste of the piece of gum that Mr Wonka just made?
    tomato soup, roast beef, blueberry pie
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  • What happens when you start chewing the gum invented by Mr Wonka?
    you can feel the food going down the throat and into your tummy and you can taste it perfectly
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  • Why does Mr Wonka not want Violet to take the gum?
    Because he hasn't got it quite right yet.
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  • What does Violet do after Mr Wonka tells her he'd rather she didn't have the gum?
    She grabbed the stick out the drawer and popped it into her mouth.
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  • What are the things that Violet taste when she chews the gum?
    tomato soup, roast beef, baked potato, blueberry pie
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  • What happened to Violet Beauregarde when she got to the dessert course?
    She started to turn blue.
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  • What thing was Violet's body colour of?
    blueberry juice
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  • When (which course) does the gum go wrong?
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  • What happened to Violet besides turning blue?
    She swelled up
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  • What did Violet turn into?
    a gigantic blueberry
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  • How many Oompa Loompas did Mr Wonka test the gum on?
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  • Where did the Oompa-Loompas take Violet Beauregarde?
    To the Juicing Room
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  • How did the Oompa-Loompas get Violet Beauregarde out of the room?
    They rolled her across the floor and put her on a boat.
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  • "It's a stick of the most amazing and fabulous and sensational gum in the world!" cried Mr. Wonka. Amazing, fabulous and sensational are synonyms. True or False?
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