Game Preview


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  • A company car and a mobile phone are some of the PERKS that come with the job(IFML) (HR)/ Having such easy access to some of the best cinema and theatre is one of the PERKS of living in Sydney.
    An advantage o ST extra, suchas money o goods, tht u r given bc f ur job/ An advantage
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    sports that are done on snow or ice
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  • A TERMINALLY ill child/ A TERMINALLY naive college student (If SB o ST is terminally stupid, borin, etc., they r extremely stupid, borin, etc & tht will nt change)
    If SB is terminally ill, they hv a serious illness & will die soon
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  • The specialist DIAGNOSED cancer. His condition was DIAGNOSED AS some type of blood disorder. She was DIAGNOSED WITH/AS having diabetes.
    Recognize and name the exact character of a disease or a problem, by examining it
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  • Young adults particularly are at risk for SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STD), Incidents of SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED ILLNESS continue to rise.
    An illness that can be passed from one person to another by sexual activity
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  • (FML) The drugs did nothing to ALLEVIATE her pain/suffering=> The ALLEVIATION of poverty
    Make ST bad such as pain or problems less severe=> The act of making ST bad such as pain or problems less severe
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  • Johnny SUFFERS FROM (is often ill with) asthma, I think he SUFFERED a lot when his wife left him/ The city SUFFERED another blow last month with the closure of the local car factory.
    Exp physical o mental pain/ Exp o show the effects f ST bad
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  • (FML) He gave me a bed for a couple of nights but I felt I was there ON SUFFERANCE/ He only visits his parents UNDER SUFFERANCE (OLD-FASHIONED)
    With unwilling permission/ If someone does something under sufferance, they do it very unwillingly
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  • CHRONIC diseases/conditions, There is a CHRONIC shortage of teachers=> The hospital provides care to CHRONICALLY ill patients for as long as they need it.
    (Esp a disease o ST bad) continuing fo a long time
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  • She was given a shot of morphine to RELIEVE the pain/ New toll roads could help RELIEVE congestion on other routes/ Emergency food aid to help RELIEVE the famine
    Make an unpleasant feeling, suchas pain o worry, less strong/ Improve an unpleasant situation/ Provide relief fo a bad situation o fo ppl in need
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  • I'm on duty until 2 p.m. and then Peter is coming to RELIEVE me/ (FML) An armoured battalion was sent to RELIEVE the besieged town.
    Take the place f SB & continue doing their job o duties/ Free a place that has been surrounded by an enemy army by military force
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  • He proceeded to RELIEVE HIMSELF against a tree.
    Polite word for urinate
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  • Secure the two pieces together with a couple of STITCHES.
    A piece of thread sewn in cloth, or the single movement of a needle and thread into and out of the cloth that produces this
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  • He cast on/off a STITCH (= added/removed a length of thread from the needle). I've dropped a STITCH (= lost a length of thread from the needle).
    One of the small circles of wool that you make when you are knitting
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  • Her head wounds needed 50 STITCHES. He got hit with a broken bottle and needed five STITCHES in his cheek.
    a length of special thread used to join the edges of a deep cut in the flesh
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  • A pearl/satin STITCH. The bedspread was embroidered with cross-STITCH/ I got a STITCH after running for the bus (A sharp pain in the side f ur stomach o chest, often caused by nt breathin enough when runnin o laughin)
    A particular type f stitch made in sewin o knittin, o the pattern tht this produces
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