Game Preview


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  • We strolled along on the PROMENADE eating ice creams (IFML: PROM)=> PROMENADE (OLD-FASHIONED)
    A path for walking on, especially one built next to the sea=> Walk slowly along a road or path for pleasure
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  • We spent the weekend GROUTING the bathroom=> GROUT (N)
    Put a thin line f mortar in the spaces btw tiles=> MORTAR used for grouting
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  • RECORDER/ RECORDER (A cassette recorder , a tape recorder or a video recorder)
    a musical instrument consisting of a wooden or plastic tube that you blow down while covering holes with your fingers
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  • Most car manufacturers now offer HYBRIDS/ You can rent HYBRIDS, racers, or mountain bikes(A bicycle tht has a mixture f features f different specialized bicycles, so tht it works well in a range f conditions) (HYBRID BIKE)
    A vehicle w an engine tht uses both petrol & another type f energy, usu electricity
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  • His choreography is described as "a HYBRID mix of mime and circus tricks"/ Researchers began developing HYBRID agricultural crops to maximize productivity.
    Combinin W different things/ Used to describe a plant or animal that has been produced from two different types of plant or animal
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  • A HYBRID car could save you hundreds of pounds at the petrol pump
    Describe a vehicle w an engine tht uses both petrol & another type of energy, usu electricity
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  • HYBRID teaching combines traditional in-class teaching with online teaching. A HYBRID parliament was introduced, with a few MPs present but most contributing to debates remotely.
    Used to describe a way of working that involves sometimes being physically present and sometimes working at a distance using the internet
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  • TRIM the hedge, My hair needs TRIMMING/They're trying to TRIM their costs, so staff who leave are not being replaced/The edges of the jacket had been TRIMMED (Decorate ST by addin objects, pieces f material, etc tht make it look attractive)
    Make ST tidier o more level by cuttin a small amount off it/ Reduce the amount o size of ST
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  • You're looking very TRIM - have you lost weight?/ TRIM lawns and neat flower beds
    Thin in an attractive and healthy way/ Tidy and well ordered
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  • I asked the hairdresser for a TRIM. Just give the ends a TRIM, please/ The car has a plush interior with full leather TRIM(The decorative features f a vehicle, EG the type & color f the material tht is used t cover the seats)
    An act f makin ST, esp SB's hair, tidier o more level by cuttin a small amount off it/ the decorative features f a vehicle, EG the type & color f the material t
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  • Are you IN TRIM for the run on Sunday? (IFML)
    Physically prepared and ready, or in good condition
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  • The company needs to TRIM THE FAT to make itself attractive to corporate investors. The article advises on how to TRIM THE FAT from your grocery bill. (FINANCE)
    Reduce unnecessary spending (IFML) (FINANCE)
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  • I'll give you a brief OVERVIEW of what the job involves.
    A short description of something that provides general information about it, but no details
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  • A restaurant/sleeping CAR/ A railroad CAR/ Hundreds of refugees were herded into cattle CARS for the gruelling ten-hour journey.
    A part f a train used fo a special purpose/Any f the separate parts f a train in which the passengers sit/A part f a train tht is used fo carrying goods o anima
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  • The AUTOMOBILE industry
    a car (OLD-FASHIONED)
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  • The value of property has SLUMPED/ She SLUMPED into the chair, exhausted
    (Prices, values, o sales) fall suddenly/ Sit o fall heavily & suddenly
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