Game Preview


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  • Parents enjoy BOASTING ABOUT their children's achievements/ Ireland BOASTS beautiful beaches, great restaurants, and friendly locals=> It is her proud BOAST that she has never missed a single episode of the show=> BOASTFUL
    Speak too proudly o happily bout wht u hv done o wht u own/ Hv o own ST t b proud f=> ST u r proud f & like t tell ppl bout=> Praising urself & wht u hv done
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  • Bathroom FURNISHINGS are in the basement of the store. (PROPERTY)
    the furniture, curtains, and other decorations in a room or building
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  • Analysts expect the store to concentrate on clothing and other SOFT GOODS. (US)
    a general name for curtains, furniture coverings, and other things made of cloth that decorate a room
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  • the left-wing FACTION of the party=> FACTIONAL leaders, The alliance is divided by FACTIONAL infighting.
    A group within a larger group, especially one with slightly different ideas from the main group=> INVOLVING .......
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  • FACTIONALISM was tearing the party and the country apart. We want to rid the movement of FACTIONALISM.
    a situation in which a group forms within a larger group, especially one with slightly different ideas from the main group
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  • The hot weather IS partly TO BLAME FOR the water shortage.
    be the reason for something that happens
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  • I don't blame him for getting angry - she's being really annoying. "I decided to leave." "I DON'T BALME YOU!"
    said in order to tell someone that you understand why they are doing something and that you agree with the reason for doing it
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  • After having five children, she decided to be STERILIZED/ All equipment must be STERILIZED before use=> STERILIZATION=> STERILIZER (A MACHINE...)
    Perform a medical operation on someone in order to make them unable to have children/ Make ST completely clean and free from bacteria
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  • The police were accused of MISHANDLING the investigation.
    Deal with something without the necessary care or skill
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  • Both sides SIGNED OFF ON a legally binding agreement last month.
    Approve something officially
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  • As it's Friday, I think I'll sign off early today (US)/ SIGN OFF
    Stop doing your work or a similar activity for a period of time/ End a conversation or a television or radio broadcast
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  • These riots are A SIGN OF THE TIMES
    ST that is typical of the (bad) way things are now
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  • An ADDENDUM TO the contract stated that the buyer would be responsible for all transportation costs.
    ST that has been added to a book, speech, or document/ Extra information added at the end of a report, letter, contract, etc.
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  • The lawyers DREW UP a contract over the weekend.
    Prepare something in writing, esp. plans or a formal document
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  • A SPARE key/tyre, SPARE sheets and blankets/ (Literary)He had the SPARE build of a runner/ (LITERARY)The interior is SPARE, almost minimalist.
    If ST is spare, it is available t use bc it is extra/ Tall and thin/ Plain and not decorated
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  • They asked him to SPARE the women and children/ Luckily, I was SPARED the embarrassment of having to sing in front of everyone/ Could you SPARE me £20?
    Nt hurt o destroy ST o SB/ Prevent SB frm having t exp ST unpleasant/ Give time, money, o space t SB, esp when it is difficult fo u
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