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Saljuq Leadership Review

  •  English    5     Public
    Impact of Saljuq change in power on Muslims
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  • Tell me 3 facts about the Saljuqs and Abbasid caliphs (skills, life style)? Dites-moi 3 faits sur les Saljuqs et les califes abbassides (compétences, mode de vie)?
    Pastoral Nomads, great horse riders & warriors, hunters / Nomades pastoraux, grands cavaliers et guerriers, chasseurs
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  • Why were the Abbassid and Saljuq persecuting the Shia Ismailis? Pourquoi les Abbassides et les Seldjoukides persécutaient-ils les chiites ismaéliens ?
    The Sunni Saljuqs saw both the Fatimids in Egypt and the Nizari Ismailis in Persia and Syria as a threat.
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  • Pick one student in class and explain them the Da’wa! Choisissez un élève en classe et expliquez-lui la Da'wa !
    The term da‘i means ‘summoner’. Ismaili da‘is invited people to the Ismaili cause by explaining to them the Shia Ismaili interpretation of Islam.
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  • Agree or disagree: The Saljuqs promotion of Sunni Islam through madrassas was a great thing for all Muslims. La promotion de l'islam sunnite par les Saljuqs à travers les madrassas était une bonne chose pour tous les musulmans.
    Saljuq imposition did not allow for diversity of interpretation to practice their faith and engage with it intellectually
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  • True or false: The Ismaili like other shia were not affected by the changing conditions of the Saljuqs. Les Ismailis comme les autres chiites n'ont pas été affectés par les conditions changeantes des Saljuqs.
    Ismailis like other Shia were persecuted and even attacked
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