Game Preview


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  • She hopes to QUALIFY (AS a lawyer) at the end of the year. This course QUALIFIES you to teach in any secondary school/ Nigeria was the first team to QUALIFY FOR the World Cup.
    Successfully finish a training course so that u r able t do a job; hv o achieve the necessary skills, etc/ Succeed in getting into a competition
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  • To QUALIFY FOR the competition you need to be over 18. Being a single parent QUALIFIES you FOR extra benefits/ I'd like to QUALIFY my criticisms of the school's failings, by adding that it's a very happy place.
    Hv the legal right t hv o do ST bc f the situation u r in, o cause SB t hv such a right/ Limit the strength or meaning of a statement
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  • You'll never get a good job if you don't have any QUALIFICATIONS/ The win earned them QUALIFICATION FOR the World Cup finals.
    An official record showing that u hv finished a training course o hv the necessary skills, etc/ Success in getting into a competition
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  • Some nursing experience is a necessary QUALIFICATION FOR this job/ The doctor said I can leave hospital today, but with the QUALIFICATION that I have to come back every day to get the dressing changed.
    An ability, characteristic, o exp that makes u suitable fo a particular job o activity/ An extra piece f info that limits the effect f ST that u say o write
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  • A productivity BONUS, A Christmas BONUS, The company used to give discretionary BONUS payments/ I love the job, and it's an added BOUS that it's so close to home.
    An extra amount f money tht is given t u as a present o reward fo good work as well as the money u were expectin/ A pleasant extra thing
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  • An outstanding private sector worker's BONUS PAYMENT may be cut in a downturn if company profits are hit. (WORKPLACE)
    An extra amount of money given to an employee in addition to their salary as a reward for excellent work
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  • CONSTELLATION/ At our annual ceremony we had a whole CONSTELLATION of movie stars and directors. (HUMOROUS)
    Any f the groups f stars in the sky tht seem frm earth t form a pattern & hv been given names/ A group f famous o admired ppl all together in one place
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  • He picked his daughter up from school then drove her to a friend's house for a PLAY DATE
    An arrangement for children to spend time together and play
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    a very poisonous snake that lives mainly in caves or trees in parts of Africa
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  • A FALLEN tree was blocking the road/ FALLEN leaves/ The Education Minister will now join the ranks of other FALLEN politicians.
    Lying on the ground, after falling down/ Having dropped down/ Refer t SB who has been defeated o has lost a position f power
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  • A statue in memory of THE FALLEN (FML)
    Soldiers who have died in a war
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    a person who was admired in the past but is no longer admired because of something bad they have done
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  • (LITERARY) I fell into a gentle SLUMBER=> The small town SLUMBERED in the moonlight.
    Sleep=> (V)
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    a party when a group of children spend the night at one child's house
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    a place, often next to a church, where dead people are buried
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  • They carried out/performed an AUTOPSY. The body arrived for AUTOPSY at the Dallas hospital.
    The cutting open & examination of a dead body in order to discover the cause of death
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