Game Preview


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  • She feels strongly that British BOARDROOMS desperately need diversity. Shareholders felt mistakes had been made at BOARDROOM level.
    A room where the ppl who control a company o org meet/ The group f ppl who manage a company o org (MANAGEMENT, WORKPLACE)
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  • Military/legal/computer JARGON
    special words and phrases that are used by particular groups of people, especially in their work
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  • The CBI report casts a shadow over official SALES FIGURES. The fierce battle for market share may have boosted SALES FIGURES but it also dampened house prices. Announce/release/report SALES FIGURES
    The value o amount f the total sales f an industry's o company's products fo a particular period (ACCOUNTING, FINANCE, COMMERCE)
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  • Some companies OUTSOURCE to cheaper locations to cut costs=> The candidate talks about working-class issues, particularly about jobs being OUTSOURCED overseas=> OUTSOURCING might be inevitable
    If a company outsources, it pays t hv part f its work done by another company=>Get work done by making a contract w another company t do it, often in another co
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  • The stereotype is that men tend to be more AGGRESSIVE than women=> The company is AGGRESSIVELY pursuing new business opportunities.
    Behaving in an angry & violent way twards another person/ Determined t win o succeed & using forceful action t win o achieve success
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  • The more AGGRESSIVE the cancer, the further and faster it spreads/ Brain cancer requires AGGRESSIVE treatment such as surgery.
    (MEDICAL) An aggressive disease is one that spreads quickly & has little chance f being cured/ Describe a very strong treatment fo a serious condition
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  • I've put the list of players up on the BULLETIN BOARD
    A place on a computer system where users can read messages and add their own/ A board on a wall on which notices can be put
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  • There weren’t many vegetarian dishes AS SUCH, although there were several different kinds of cheese.
    Using the exact meaning of the word or phrase
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  • A ROUND TRIP from Rome to London will cost you €450. A ROUND TRIP ticket/fare=> I’d like a ROUND-TRIP ticket to Baltimore, please.
    If u make a round trip, u go on a journey & return t where u started frm
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  • CURTAIL your holiday/spending/ With all the snow, our daily walks have been severely CURTAILED=> They will not willingly accept any CURTAILMENT of their civil liberties.
    Stop ST before it is finished, o Reduce o limit ST
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  • Henderson Island in the Pacific has more than 55 species of NATIVE flowering plants. The horse is not NATIVE TO America - it was introduced by the Spanish/ The Aborigines are the NATIVE inhabitants of Australia. The NATIVE population
    Refer t plants & animals that grow naturally in a place, & hv nt been brought there frm somewhere else/ Relating t the first ppl t live in an area
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    The first language that you learn/ A native ability o characteristic is one that a person o thing has naturally & is part f their basic character
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  • Small businesses have been EXEMPTED FROM the tax increase=> Goods EXEMPT FROM this tax include books and children's clothes. Pregnant women are EXEMPT FROM dental charges under the current health system=> EXEMPTION
    Excuse SB o ST frm a duty, payment, etc=> With special permission not to do or pay ST
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  • (TAX) A medical/tax EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE. The Revenue should have discretion to grant EXEMPTION CERTIFICATES to building subcontractors where a company has become insolvent for bona fide reasons.
    An official document that gives someone special permission not to do or pay something
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  • These people are KNOWN criminals. There is no KNOWN reason for the accident. He is KNOWN TO the police because of his previous criminal record=> And this is Terry, otherwise KNOWN AS "Muscleman".
    Refer t ST o SB that is familiar t o understood by ppl=> If SB or ST is known as a particular name, that person or thing is called by that name
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  • Local residents have MADE KNOWN their objections to the proposals. I MADE it KNOWN that I was not happy with the decision.
    Tell people about something so that it becomes publicly known
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