Game Preview


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  • His loss of hearing was a severe HANDICAP(OLD-FASHIONED, OFFENSIVE)/I found that not having a car was quite a HANDICAP while on holiday=> Rescue efforts have been HANDICAPPED by rough seas and hurricane-force winds. (MAKE ST MORE DIFFICULT)
    A physical o mental condition that makes ordinary activities more difficult than they r fo other ppl/ ST that makes it difficult fo u t do ST=> make ST more dif
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  • HANDICAPS give people with different abilities an equal chance of winning. My current golf HANDICAP is nine.
    a disadvantage given t a person taking part in a game o competition so as t reduce their chances f winning, o a sports event in which such disadvantages r given
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  • I think Mick HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD when he said that what's lacking in this company is a feeling of confidence.
    describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem
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  • Make a PIT STOP/ We made a quick PIT STOP in Denver before continuing our journey.
    An occasion when a driver in a motor race stops in the pits (area where cars r repaired)/ A short stop that u make during a long car journey so as t rest & eat
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  • Our coach has worked hard to INCULCATE a team spirit IN/INTO the players (FML)=> The law exempts nonprofit religious groups whose purpose is the INCULCATION of religious values
    Fix beliefs o ideas in SB's mind, esp by repeating em often
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  • It's best to use a coat of PRIMER before the top coat/ I think I should give you a quick PRIMER on the basic setup and cast of characters.
    A type of paint that u put on a surface before the main paint is put on/ A talk, exp, etc that provides info frm which u can learn
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  • PRIMERS are used under foundation to keep your make-up in place for hours.
    a type of make-up that you put on your face under other make-up to make it go on more smoothly and last longer
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    a strong strip of material hanging from the roof of a bus, train, or other public vehicle for passengers to hold onto if they are standing
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  • Are the kids STRAPPED INTO their car seats? We STRAPPED the surfboard TO the car roof.
    fasten something in position by fastening a narrow piece of leather or other strong material around it
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  • Are you kids STRAPPED IN back there?
    fasten a seat belt around someone in a car, aircraft, or other vehicle, for safety purposes
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  • An ABSTRUSE philosophical essay (FML)
    not known or understood by many people
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  • We went to a LECTURE ON Italian art. Who's giving the LECTURE this afternoon?/ My dad gave me a LECTURE ON the evils of alcohol last night.
    A FML talk on a serious subject given t a group f ppl, esp students/ An angry or serious talk given to SB in order to criticize their behaviour
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  • For ten years she LECTURED IN law. She travelled widely in North America, LECTURING ON women's rights/ His parents used to LECTURE him ON his table manners.
    Give a formal talk to a group f ppl, often at a college o university/ Talk angrily or seriously to someone in order to criticize their behaviour
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    a man who is very skilled at playing or conducting (= directing the performance of) music
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  • FLABBY arms/thighs I was starting to get a bit FLABBY around my waist/ A FLABBY argument
    soft and fat/ Weak and without force
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  • Try not to WORK YOURSELF UP about the exams. Nationalist speeches WORKED the crowd UP into a frenzy.
    make yourself or another person feel upset or feel strong emotions
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