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ADP S13 U11D3 Lies

  •  English    8     Public
    Choose a card with a situation and say something to your partner using the language in the AP p.105
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  • You spilled a bit of coffee when you were drinking it near your partners new laptop.
    You avoid taking responsibility for what happened.
  •  15
  • You crashed your partners car that you’ve borrowed to go on a day trip to a nearby town.
    You take responsibility for your actions.
  •  15
  • Your partner had asked you to pay the electricity bill in your shared apartment and you’ve forgotten about it.
    You admit making a mistake.
  •  15
  • You were ironing your partners favorite shirt when you left the iron a lit bit to long over it.
    You make up an excuse.
  •  15
  • You were helping your partner move to a new house and you let the box with the dishes fall down.
    You shift the blame to someone else.
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  • Your partner asked you to buy eggs to make an omelet for some unexpected gests but you've tripped and they're all broken now.
    You make up an excuse.
  •  15
  • You had promissed you partnet to take his/her lottery ticket to an agency but you've forgotten. The ticket won the jackpot prize.
    You take reposibility for what happened.
  •  15
  • Your partner lets you use their new tablet and you break it.
    You offer to make up for what you did.
  •  15