Game Preview


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  • Completely without WARNING, he turned up at my door with all four children!=> The WARNING SIGNS of the illness are respiratory problems and dizziness.
    ST that makes u understand there is a possible danger o problem, esp one in the future=> A physical condition that shows SB has a disease
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  • The figures should sound WARNING BELLS that the economy is still too fragile to enable interest rates to rise.
    signs or information telling people that something bad might happen
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  • I hadn't intended to get one - it was an IMPULSE BUY
    something that you buy suddenly and without thinking carefully
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  • He was ATTACKED and seriously injured by a gang of youths/ She wrote an article ATTACKING the judges and their conduct of the trial/ AIDS ATTACKS the body's immune system/ We have to attack these problems now and find some solutions.
    Try t hurt o defeat using violence/Criticize SB strongly/If ST, such as a disease o a chemical, attacks ST,it damages it/Deal w ST quickly & in an effective way
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  • PHYSICALLY I find him very attractive. The protestors had to be PHYSICALLY removed from the room (= they were taken away)/ No one could have climbed that wall - it's PHYSICALLY impossible.
    in a way that relates to the body or SB's appearance/ In a way that relates to things you can see or touch or the laws of nature
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  • LIVESTOCK farmers/industry/market, The organic LIVESTOCK industry has grown substantially in the last few years.
    Animals kept on a farm, such as cows, sheep, chickens, & pigs/ Animals such as cows, sheep, etc. that are kept or traded as a source of income
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  • She was dressed CASUALLY in shorts and a T-shirt/ He CASUALLY tossed the gift on the table
    In a way that is not formal o not suitable fo a special o official occasion/ In a way that does not show any particular interest o care
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  • She found out when he CASUALLY mentioned that he had an after-school detention/ I only work CASUALLY, so I have time to do other things.
    in a way that is not serious or considered, or that happens by chance/ In a way that is not regular or fixed
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  • The plaster on the walls has been removed to EXPOSE the original bricks underneath/ It is feared that people living near the power station may have been EXPOSED TO radiation/ The review EXPOSED widespread corruption in the police force.
    Remove what is covering ST so that it can be seen/ Put SB at risk frm ST harmful o unpleasant/ Make public ST bad o dishonest
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    If a man exposes himself, he shows his sexual organs in a public place to people he does not know.
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  • A SENSIBLE answer/approach/compromise/option/ It could be cold and wet so pack some SENSIBLE clothes.=> You have to eat more SENSIBLY.
    Based on o acting on good judgment & practical ideas o understanding/ If an object is sensible, it is practical but not exciting
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  • a transportation NETWORK/ A NETWORK OF political advisers/ A domain name identifies a computer or computer NETWORK used to access the web.
    A group formed frm parts that r connected together/ A group f people w the same interests/ A system f computers connected together so that they can share info
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  • The ABC television NETWORK
    A network is also a company that provides programs to a group of television or radio stations, or this company and the group considered together
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  • Our computer system consists of about 20 personal computers NETWORKED TO a powerful file-server/ I don't really enjoy these conferences, but they're a good opportunity to NETWORK.
    Connect computers together so that they can share info/ Meet people who might be useful to know, esp in ur job
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  • I stood up to say hello and spilled my drink IN THE PROCESS
    If you are doing something, and you do something else in the process, the second thing happens as a result of doing the first thing
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  • Dried/fresh YEAST, YEAST extract=> The air outside had a sweet, YEASTY smell. It smells like a good YEASTY bread dough.
    a type of fungus that is used in making alcoholic drinks such as beer and wine, and for making bread swell and become light
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