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Review: US History Final Exam - pt 1

  •  English    19     Public
    GRIGGS International Academy - US History Final Exam Review
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  • What was Jamestown?
    The first successful British colony in the Americas
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  • What was sharecropping?
    Renting the land and paying with a share of the cropps - least beneficial for the sharecroppers
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  • Why was Hoover cautions in interfering with the market during the Great Depression?
    His political phylosophy was of a free market
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  • How did US prevent the German U-boats from attacking the supplies they sent to Europe?
    The convoy system
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  • What does graft mean?
    illegal use of political influence for personal gain
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  • The "imminence of comunism" was used to justify what political regime in Brazil?
    Military dictatorship
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  • What was the impact of new inventions in the workplace in the late 19th century?
    Production of larger quantities of products in shorter time
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  • What is NAACP?
    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - focused on education and law to obtain equality.
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  • What´s the name of the day the stock market crashed - Oct. 29, 1929?
    Black Tuesday
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  • True or False: The purpose of the United Nations is distribute economic and military aid to third world countries
    False - to provide a forum to peacefully resolve disputes
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  • What was the Marshall Plan?
    American plan to help European countries after WW2
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  • True or False: The USA and Brazil entered WW2 on the same year.
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  • What is the mixture of imigrant cultures to form the American Culture called?
    Melting pot
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  • What is Nationalism?
    Devotion to one’s own interests and culture
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  • Which was the longest period of unempoyment in the 1900s
    The Great Depression
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  • What was the Dust Bowl?
    Severe drought with high winds due to crop overproduction
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